Monday, August 31, 2009

VA to do Remote Order Entry from smartphones?

At the Washington DC VA Medical Center, chief of staff for informatics, Dr. Divya Shroff has been ushering in the use of smartphones for a few functions around the hospital normally performed by people at computers. One thing she sees in their future is Remote Order Entry via smartphones like BlackBerrys or the iPhone. From the ComputerWorld article:
Dr. Shroff sees many of the tasks currently being performed on laptops in medical settings making their ways to smartphone platforms as well. Possible future uses for mobile applications for physician's include remote order entry, remote chart changes, and the ability to read and make notes in real-time on medical materials from anywhere, to name a few, Dr. Shroff says.
DCVAMC is already working on an iPhone application for patients, though Dr. Shroff didn't share specifics.
This would be an absolutely amazing and revolutionary use of mobile phone technology for use in the healthcare setting. Here's to hoping they develop the application.

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