Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Minnesota Board of Pharmacy Grants Telepharmacy Variances

Back in September the Minnesota Board of Pharmacy granted and renewed a host of variances for pharmacies around the state:

New variances:
Abbot Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis was permitted to have a pharmacist provide remote verification of pre-op and post-op orders for the Edina Surgery Center so long as the pharmacist-in-charge remains the same person.

Extension to current variances:
West Duluth Clinic Pharmacy in Duluth was allowed to provide telepharmacy services to the Duluth Clinic in Remer, MN for the duration of two years so long as they continue to make visits and monitor usage.

Re-approved variances:
Cub Pharmacy in Cottage Grove and Cub Pharmacy in Shorewood were permanently allowed pharmacist certification of the prescription medication with use of the digital image of the medication so long as the pharmacist-in-charge remains the same.

Finally, Mercy Hospital Pharmacy in Moose Lake was allowed remote "After Hours Order Entry" of the hospital's physician medication orders when pharmacy is closed from normal business hours of operation from St. Luke's Hospital in Duluth, until 4/1/2011.

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