Thursday, December 10, 2009

Retail Telepharmacy Program in Washington "a big hit", Restores Pharmacy Services to Two Communities

Julie Garner of the University of Washington Alumni Magazine wrote an interesting article about the use of a central telepharmacy site in Bellevue to improve pharmacy services in the state of Washington:
Bellegrove started telepharmacies at the Mattawa Clinic and Wenatchee Valley Medical's Royal City Clinic in 2008. Here's how it works: The Bellegrove pharmacist talks with technicians and patients at the clinics through the Internet. The techs then fax prescriptions and insurance information to the pharmacist in Bellevue, who provides approval and instructions for filling the prescriptions. The technicians select from 128 prepackaged medications that are most used in community clinic settings.
According to the article, "Singer and his colleagues spent six months working out the telepharmacy concept with the state Board of Pharmacy to receive certification." The Washington State Board of Pharmacy seems very progressive, given the amount of telepharmacy news coming from the state.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fax? I suppose that was the easiest method to ensure the State that the technology provides secure communications, but its sooo 20th century, Then again technical adoption rates in health care are notoriously feeble.

It always takes a new generation of pharmacy leaders to take advantage of the best methods and practices.